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Inspirational gardens - growing community and food, naturally.

Scroll through the fabulous gardens opening for the 2023 Central Coast Edible Garden Trail on 21 + 22 October.


Open on Saturday?

Open on Sunday?


Status: Published

We know that not every Coastie has a fibro majestic on an acre of land! Regardless of whether you’re in a Studio with a windowsill, a tight villa with a courtyard, or an apartment with a big or small deck, we are are here to prove size doesn’t matter! Come along to the Fun Haus Factory in Kibble Park, Gosford and see our Deck to Dinner Urban Garden focusing on small space gardening for the community. Catch up with Cheralyn Darcey and Pete Little - The Gardening Gang (Coast FM 963) live at the Fun Haus from 8:00am - 10:00am on Saturday 21st October, and afterwards take a look at the fabulous Deck to Dinner Garden, showcasing small space gardening and indoor plants. From windowsill to balcony vertical gardens, there is always space for growing herbs, flowers and vegetables.

Status: Published

Located on a sweeping bend in Narara Eco Village, this less than 3 year old garden features a wide variety of fruit trees, veggie gardens, pond, and deciduous fruiting vines enhancing the passive solar design of the home. While terracing takes advantage of the north facing slope and improves access to the garden.

Status: Published

Follow the walking trail around the ecovillage to visit the 7 stops including five home gardens, the community gardens in the Triplespan and glasshouse, and the Scribbly Gum Food Forest. Showcasing a diversity of garden styles, all of the gardens are 4 years old or less but constantly evolving. Gardens have everything from fully potted productive patches, raised garden beds, food forests, greenhouse and glasshouse infrastructure, a market garden, guild plantings, new and established fruit and nut trees, chooks, all forms of composting and soil improvement methods.

Status: Published

The food garden of a dietitian with a keen interest in food sustainability. There are chickens, a worm farm, compost systems, irrigation, a verge share garden and habitat for wildlife on this suburban site. Carin wants to grow as much food as possible for her family, and to share with, and inspire others, to do the same

Status: Published

This delightful and very productive garden is a great example of just how much food can be grown in a small space - with room for an active dog and relaxation spaces. Through clever pruning, fruit trees are kept at optimum height for a manageable yield. The property also has a lovely north facing native habitat garden which includes native and non-native edibles.

Showing 41-45 of 45 results