Kariong Eco Garden

Kariong Eco Garden has been busy. There are four new hügelkultur garden beds, set up to display a four-bed crop rotation system; a revised wicking bed and rejuvenated children's labyrinth. This stunning community garden still boasts a stunning mosaic pathway, local indigenous artwork and a productive food forest.

Sunday opening hours

10:00 am


4:00 pm

Website and social links


Kariong Eco-Garden is a community garden in transition.  Six new garden beds, a revised wicking bed and a children’s labyrinth coming back to life in array of colours.

We have just installed four garden beds built using the hügelkultur gardening method, which will be planted out in a four bed rotation system. We have two new no-dig garden beds built to accommodate all gardening capabilities, a revised wicking bed and have spent many hours bringing the children’s labyrinth back to life, BUT we also still have our wonderful bushland setting and food forest along our fence-line, including our meeting place with local indigenous artwork and our superb and stunning mosaic pathway are still here to welcome you into the gardens.

Our community garden is still where we care for the the earth by providing habitat for wildlife, harvesting rainwater, using renewable energy, recycling organic matter and growing food naturally.


Most areas accessible within the garden.