Geoff’s hemp house at Narara Ecovillage

Located on a sweeping bend in Narara Eco Village, this less than 3 year old garden features a wide variety of fruit trees, veggie gardens, pond, and deciduous fruiting vines enhancing the passive solar design of the home. While terracing takes advantage of the north facing slope and improves access to the garden.

Saturday opening hours

10:00 am


3:00 pm

Website and social links


I finished construction of my hemp house in 2020 and started on the gardens.  First job was planting fruit trees and berry vines.  When COVID hit John Seed and family moved into the house as tenants and spent the next two years constructing and cultivating the vegie beds, including wicking beds, all made from recycled materials.  In 2022 they moved out of the house and I moved in.  We now share the gardening while John and family build their own hemp house in the village.


The garden is on a gently sloping block with no steps.