Our Supporters

Community is everything

And we are grateful to have such far-reaching support

We are proud recipients of a Central Coast Council Community Events and Place Activation Grant, without which this website would not be possible.

Proudly supported by Central Coast Council

The Central Coast Edible Garden Trail is a project of Permaculture Central Coast: an enthusiastic group of volunteers who work together to encourage more people on the NSW Central Coast to learn, practice and teach permaculture. We want to inspire people everywhere to get more permaculture happening on the ground. We encourage you to consider becoming a member of this fantastic organisation.

Permaculture Central Coast logo
Costa Georgiadis talking to Cheralyn Darcey (Image credit: Grant Ambrose)

Cheralyn Darcey is the Central Coast’s own fabulous gardening expert! She is the author of 21 internationally published botanical and gardening titles and writes a dedicated gardening page in Coast Community News. Every Saturday she presents Home with the Gardening Gang on Coast FM with legendary broadcaster Pete Little. We are so fortunate to have this wonderful local home and garden program broadcast live on location during the Central Coast Edible Garden Trail. 

Costa Georgiadis will be well known to everyone and needs very little introduction. Host of Gardening Australia and totally awesome, inspirational ambassador for the Edible Garden Trail movement, Costa has been so generous with his time, knowledge and infectious passion. In his words, “it is simply an incredible opportunity to learn about growing in your local area and microclimate. You cannot get any of this information delivered in a more digestible and applicable way.”

As a volunteer organisation we welcome support gladly. We’re looking to join forces with local independent nurseries to encourage everyone to grow food at home.